THE MARYLAND NATURALIST (July/December 1997) - A long-term mammal study of Fort Belvoir, VA, was conducted from 1987 to 1995.  The following was found:

SPECIES                                         NUMBERS

Virginia Opossum                             Abundant

Northern Short-tailed Shrew             369

Least Shrew                                     1

Pygmy Shrew                                   82

Southeastern Shrew                          254

Starnosed Mole                                3

Eastern Mole                                  ~10

Big Brown Bat                                  187

Silver-haired Bat                               1

Red Bat                                            77

Eastern Pipistrelle                              16

Eastern Cottontail                             Abundant

Beaver                                              4 sites

Meadow Vole                                  18

Pine Vole                                         105

House Mouse                                   Abundant

Muskrat                                           Abundant

Marsh Rice Rat                                20

White-footed Mouse                        275

Deer Mouse                                     5

Norway Rat                                     Abundant

Southern Flying Squirrel                    5

Woodchuck                                      Abundant

Gray Squirrel                                     Abundant

Eastern Chipmunk                             19

Meadow Jumping Mouse                  13

Gray Fox                                          Present*

Red Fox                                           Abundant

Bobcat                                             Present*

River Otter                                       Present*

Striped Skunk                                  Present*

Mink                                                7

Raccoon                                           Abundant

White-tailed Deer                              Abundant

 *  "Present" indicated a very few observations were made.

NOT FOUND, but expected, was the Little Brown Bat, hoary bat, and the long-tailed weasel.

 Efforts to capture larger mammals were minimal, with tracks and visual sightings used to document their existence.